Go disney

Go disney
Everybody loves WallE

Sunday 28 August 2011

More Funny Stuff!

I am now dedicating this blog to funny stuff, if you have any contrabuions please say so in da coments and I will put them in the next blog (if they're funny enough)

This is one for da rodents!

And some more animals
 Nom noms!

And some for you Justin B haters!

Now some stuff I recomend on you tube!

How NOT to be seen! monty python tell you how!

don't u just love ace ventura in a tutu!!! WATCH IT!!!!

brought u some grapes and shit. armstrong and miller are amazing!!!!

a friend made this so you dont have to watch it but i find it funny!!!!

I hope you enjoyed these um...... things!!!!!!
If you have any sergestions please say so in da coments!!!!


Thursday 18 August 2011


Well soz i haven't posted in a while It's cause really... welll..... can't be bothered to post anything.

Well i'm sure ur all dieing to know wat i''ve bin upto in the summer hols..... no well I'm gonna tell u anyway!
Well i went to this place called PGL which was really gd fun. We did lots of things like zipwire, absailing, rock climbing (in which I beat all the boys!!! lol) Trapeeze, Giant swing, Powerfan (basically jumping from a 12m pole(with a harness)) Jacobs ladder (a massive ladder) quad biking which I FAILED at, Go carting, rifle shooting (i was epic at) ditto with archery,fencing and most other stuff. we went a great hike past David bekhams house (that's right) and saw places where films like star wars and gladiator were filmed. lol. Anyway heres a link if u want to find out more bout pgl http://www.pgl.co.uk/PGLWeb/Schools/Primary-schools/adventure/centres/MarchantsHill_activities
Oh i forgot to mention if u ever go to PGL Marchants hill and get a groupie called Sean please call him Miranda!

Well the rest of my holiday has been going down beach meeting up with friends, complaining about friends to friends have more friends stay(except these ones were from Liverpool and most the time i don't count them as friends, well Gus at least)

I'm also happy to find out that 2 of my favourite books r coming out on the same day, September 1st! these books r Skulduggery Pleasant: Death Bringer and the Tunnels series: Spiral!!!

*sigh* summer hols are nearly over and somehow in that sort space of time i have to sum up the corage to go and help out at lou's riding stable to get my name up the list 4 riding lessons!!!! wish me luk!